Comprehensive Foster Care

Every Child Deserves a Safe Home

We believe all children deserve a safe and caring home. We provide comprehensive foster care services and placements for children from infancy to age 18. Children who enter the Foster Care program have typically been removed from their homes as the result of an emergency in the biological home, in order to ensure the safety and security of the child. The program places children and adolescents (most between 8 and 18 years old, with a range of birth to age 21) with challenging behaviors into homes with caring and well-trained foster parents ready to meet the needs of each child.

Our foster care youth receive case management services, individual and family counselling as warranted, and support for all basic needs such as transportation, advocacy, and medical attention. Case managers work to develop the strengths and interests of each child in order to promote self-esteem and resiliency in the child in preparation for their return home.

Become a Foster Parent

Do you agree that all children deserve a safe and caring place to lay their head down? Being a foster parent isn’t always easy, but it is incredibly rewarding. To learn more on how to become a foster parent, please fill out the quick inquiry form below, email or call 508-890-6519.

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